Tuesday 3 March 2009

Hayman back in black

Archive - published 02/02/09

The return of All-Black icon Carl Hayman to the Newcastle Falcons squad has been a huge boost for the side who have been failing to produce so far this season. The nineteen-stone, six-foot-four Man-Mountain is back after a two-month layoff with a knee injury, making his long awaited return in the 16-16 draw against Worcester the end of last year. Now, well into 2009, Hayman is hoping to help put the team’s losing habits behind them and find some light at the end of a long incessant tunnel in this season’s final months.

Hayman swapped the black of New Zealand for the black of Newcastle Falcons last season after the All Blacks failed to surpass the French in the quarter-finals of the 2007 World Cup. The deal to bring the 29-year-old to Kingston Park reportedly made Hayman the best paid rugby player in the world on a contract worth a reported £350,000 a year.

The planned move was seen as an inspired investment by the club, and was considered to be the answer to their lack of experience and power up front. It is no surprise then that the Falcons have struggled during the lengthy absence of the man many argue to be the best tight-head prop of the modern game, much to the frustration of the club and the player himself.

“I injured my knee in the game against (London) Wasps” Hayman explained. “I hyper-extended and compressed it after trying to charge down a kick, falling on a straight leg.

“I was surprised when the doc’ told me that I would be out for up to eight weeks. I thought it would probably only be two or three, but as the recovery went on you could see where they were coming from.

“I’ve been working hard with the physio’ and I’ve had a few run-outs to get the lungs blowing – the knee seems to be holding up strong.”

“It’s been very frustrating. Results have not been going well but you just have to look forward to the next game and continue to work hard. You just have to keep on keeping on and hopefully results will come. There’s no reason why we can’t fight our way out of this.”

Falcons’ Director of Rugby Steve Bates has expressed his delight at the return of Carl Hayman up front, who in recent weeks, has proved to be worth more than his weight in gold. There have been questions throughout the season whether the team’s regression has been a result of the lack of opportunities presented to the backline. Therefore Hayman’s return has bolstered the pack both in the scrum and at the breakdown, evidently increasing the team’s chances to play the running rugby Newcastle Falcons were once famous for.

The man himself is just pleased to be back and is looking forward to the prospect of doing what he can to push his Falcons team in the right direction.

“The backs have been playing pretty well this year, with the likes of Tane (Tu’ipulotu), Jamie (Noon), Tom (May), all putting in good performances” Hayman said.

“However, it’s hard to differentiate a team simply between backs and forwards. The season so far may not have gone as planned. There have been a few obstacles put in the way of this team with injuries and other bits and pieces, but this is a very tight competition we’re playing in and because of that we know we can beat teams.”

In recent months there has been speculation linking Hayman with a move back to his home country after he was spotted in New Zealand. Question-marks have been raised over whether he is enjoying the challenges against relegation, but the man nicknamed Zarg insists there was nothing in his visit and he is more than happy with life at the Falcons.

“With New Zealand being about the size of South Shields there were obviously a few people who spotted me” Hayman explained. “The next thing I knew I was supposedly making a move back to New Zealand.

“I did pop home for a wee bit to sort a personal matter, but it was not a rugby trip at all. It was purely for personal reasons.

“I would like to stay. If I feel the club isn’t making the efforts to move in the right direction I may have to consider my options, but I do have a contract until June next year and I intend to honour it.”

Playing in New Zealand for the Highlanders, Hayman has not had to endure many relegation battles since relegation was discarded in their leagues. He cannot be too familiar with the term ‘losing’ either since he was a regular starter for the All Blacks before his move. However, Hayman insists that he is finding the fight against relegation quite stimulating.

“There is a lot more to play for (in the Premiership). If there was no relegation it would be the case that a team in our position could just wait for next year to come round. With relegation there is heaps still to play for.

“A club like Newcastle should be challenging for Heineken Cup spots – a position the fans in the North-East are crying out for.”

Hayman’s decision to join Newcastle surprised many in the rugby world, with a host of top clubs chasing his signature. However, the New Zealander was immediately attracted to the club.

“I chose Newcastle because I like the life-style it brings. I like the outdoors and getting down to the coast to get a bit of surfing in. Financially I am also better off than I was back in New Zealand, which always helps, and above all, it just felt like the time to seek out a new challenge.

“I’ve played ten years back home with Otago and the Highlanders, so a change was due. I was drawn to the Premiership but would never fancy playing in a busy place like London. I’m very relaxed and laid-back, and like to lead a simple life. I will maybe catch a movie now and then, go out for a meal. I’m normally very reserved.”

Hayman is enjoying the challenge of the Premiership and is always looking forward to facing old pals from back home.

“I look forward to playing Neil Brew of Bristol. I played with him back in Otago so I always like the chance to have a quick catch-up with him.

“It’s cool being able to jump on the phone and have a chat with the guys. I went up to Edinburgh for the Scotland game (vs New Zealand) and down to the one in London (England vs New Zealand). It was strange sitting in the stands with a pint while the boys were out there doing their stuff.”

Hayman did return home again at the end of January, but this time to marry fiancĂ©e Natalie – the summer sun back in New Zealand obviously much more appealing for a wedding day than the cold brisk afternoons on Tyneside.

“Yes, I’ve just got married, so perhaps my new years’ resolution should be to help around the house a bit more.”

Clearly 2009 is a big year in more ways than one for Carl Hayman as he looks to help the Falcons retain their Guinness Premiership status.

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